Кои хора влизат в интензивно – надупчени с препарати в експериментална фаза, показва лекарски сигнал
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KjPCTGgHAI https://rumble.com/vqnmsj-44772643.html?mref=srt1v&mc=dosh4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KjPCTGgHAI https://rumble.com/vqnmsj-44772643.html?mref=srt1v&mc=dosh4
The video above features Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist, and editor of two peer-review journals, who has been on the media and medical frontlines fighting for early COVID treatment. McCullough has also been outspoken about the potential dangers of the COVID shots, and the lack of necessity for them. Curiously, agencies that […]
Full article comments. One of the downsides of telling the truth in this environment is that it seems everyone and their brother wants to tear all your arguments to shreds. I could spend full time just refuting all the hit pieces written about the content I’ve produced. Here’s my fact check of the fact-checkers as […]
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The esteemed group of […]
Government bureaucrats using the Omicron Variant to disguise the rapid increase in sudden and unexplained cardiac deaths in the vaccinated. Recently the Botswana Government announced that a new variant of Covid had arisen from the Vaccinated. Read More. One of the symptoms listed of the new Omicron Variant of Coronavirus; includes the following: A number of […]
Голямата фармацевтика не иска да знаете как да се лекувате, защото нямат интерес от загуба на клиенти. Техните безконечни препарати са главно за притъпяване на иначе излечими здравословни проблеми. Медицинския персонал гледа как да пробутва огромни количества хапчета, течности и всевъзможни вещества, които в крайна сметка имат пагубни ефекти върху продължителността на живота. Чрез медии, […]
Новият вариант на COVID-19 – Омикрон – може би ще бъде краят на пандемията. Това предположение направи инфекционистът доц. Атанас Мангъров, съобщиха от пресцентъра на партия АБВ. Той коментира, че Омикрон нулира всички направени досега ваксини, защото те не действат срещу него. Според първоначалните данни, макар и на този етап недотам достоверни, новият вариант на […]