“In 20 years the number of people who will be able to understand the global financial system…

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“In 20 years the number of people who will be able to understand the global financial system will be exactly zero” – Yuval Noah Harari

This evil idiot, has been given the role of making humans believe we are stupid, useless, unintelligent beings that must surrender to AI because we will be nothing without it.

He talks total bs in this clip because there are simply not thousands of data points required for a bank to decide whether to lend you money, they just need to establish if you have the means to repay the loan or not.

And if most people don’t understand the financial system it’s because it’s a fraudulent ponzi scheme and they are purposefully trying to hide this fact from all of us!

Banks create money out of thin air through debt! That is the truth. You think they want you to know this? No! they want you to think you are too stupid to understand.

I cannot stand the sight of this guy!


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